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Get Involved!

Broward County is the 6th largest school district in the United States. As a chapter, we rely on the active support and involvement of our members. There are several ways to participate and make a difference. Help us turn this ship around and impact our community! 


“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the
bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
-Ronald Reagan

Chapter Committees 

Legislative Committee

Committee Lead:
Christine Chaparro

Curriculum & Book Screening Committee

Committee Lead:
Corie Pinero


School Board Elections Committee
Committee Lead: 

Brooke Hering

District 1

Committee Lead:

District 4

Committee Lead:

District 7

Committee Lead:

District 2

Committee Lead:

District 5

Committee Lead:

District 3

Committee Lead:

District 6

Committee Lead:


The main requirements are that you care about children, education and parental rights. We ask for a small commitment of your time, transparent communication, respect & self control.


While some may say they don't have the time, we would argue that everyone can find a couple hours out of the week to help fight for the voiceless. 

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